17 Best YouTube Meditation Music Videos For You
YouTube Meditation Music
There are several different methods for meditation and a variety of ways to help one get into a more peaceful and restful state for meditation.
Guided meditations can be a great platform for anyone who is a bit unsure or apprehensive about how to best get started.
YouTube meditation music is also an incredible resource for peaceful soundscapes that can be streamed on-demand for free right at our fingertips touch.
Trying to find the right YouTube meditation music for you may seem a bit overwhelming with the wealth of options that are available online.
To help you out, we have done some work and research for you in compiling some of the very best Youtube meditation music available on the platform.
These are the 17 Best YouTube Meditation Music Videos For You:
1. Relaxing Sleep Music: Deep Sleeping Music, Relaxing Music, Stress Relief, Meditation Music ★68
3. Soft Piano With Water Sounds for Stress Relief – Calm Music for Meditation, Beautiful Relaxing Music
4. Rain Sounds 10 Hours:The Sound of Rain Meditation, Autogenic Training, Deep Sleep,Relaxing Sounds
5. 8 Hour Deep Sleep Music: Delta Waves, Relaxing Music Sleep, Sleeping Music, Sleep Meditation, ☯159
6. Relaxing Piano Music: Sleep Music, Water Sounds, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music ★47
7. Beautiful Relaxing Music for Stress Relief • Meditation Music, Sleep Music, Ambient Study Music
8. Calming Seas #1 – 11 Hours Ocean Waves, Nature Sounds, Relaxation, Meditation, Reading, Sleep
9. Reiki Music, Energy Healing, Nature Sounds, Zen Meditation, Positive Energy, Healing Music
10. Meditation Music Relax Mind Body: Deep Relaxation Music, Sleep Music, Yoga Music, Spa Music, ☯010
11. “Pure Clean Positive Energy Vibration” Meditation Music, Healing Music, Relax Mind Body & Soul
12. 528Hz | Repairs DNA & Brings Positive Transformation | Solfeggio Sleep Music
13. “Let Go Of All Negative Energy” Meditation Music, The Deepest Healing Music, Relax Mind Body
14. “Boost Your Aura” Attract Positive Energy Meditation Music, 7 Chakra Balancing & Healing
15. Meditation Music, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxing Music, Sleep, Meditation, Zen, Study, Spa, ☯3618
16. Meditation Music, Positive Energy Vibration, Good Vibes, Healing Music
17. ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING MUSIC, Full Body Aura Reboot, Balance & Align Meditation Music
Meditation Has Gone Mainstream
Meditation, or the general practice of mindfulness, seems to be tipping from an underground ritual for crystal toting, new age eccentrics over to a mainstream practice for business people and soccer moms alike.
Just about anywhere you turn these days you seem to run into an article, podcast discussion, or some sort of social site post about the benefits of meditation.
My meditation practice has evolved over time for me from initially just something I felt compelled to now a deeply held daily routine.
Most of the time, my practice is simply experienced as a calming break from the daily nonstop barrage of input and information overload we all are awash in.
At times, though, the experiences felt from my meditation practice have reached near-mystical levels.
A part of me is hesitant to put these types of description out there, touting realms of mysticism, for fear of establishing unfair expectations for anyone looking to try meditation, but meditation has delivered for me those types of peak experiences.
More importantly, it has truly impacted every single facet of my life.
Just some of the ways that meditation has changed me for the better:
- I am growing more comfortable in my own skin. I still have insecurities and anxieties, but they are fading into the background and are no longer domineering forces in my life.
- I am a more patient parent. I still get frustrated at times as a father to a young elementary school-age son but can now better recognize when those emotions are arising and stave off from giving into them.
- I have taken a break from drinking booze. Several factors contributed to this, however, a prominent thought appearing to me during a meditation session was a major influence on my decision.
- My fear of death has decreased. I still have questions and at times get caught up pondering where this life leads to but the angst and worry over death seem to be fading.
The Power Of Music
Music to me has always been a powerful source of inspiration and energy. When I want to celebrate a moment of joy I turn to music. When I need to process grief and move through some emotional pain I turn to music.
The power of music is palpable and can be felt deep in the core of our beings. Music can also be an ally to reaching peaceful, meditative states.
Music can assist and provide benefits to our meditation practice by:
- Shifting our emotional state
- Helping to reduce stress
- Improving concentration levels
- Allowing for meditation on the go in noisy settings
Starting A Meditation Practice
Meditation, at times, can conjure up some defensive reactions in folks just like the word spiritual.
People can be leery and downright put off by meditation, and maybe even more so put off by the vocal proponents of the practice. From religious overtones to sitting still like a crossed-legged pretzel, people can get turned off to meditation prior to even giving it a chance.
I can acknowledge I tend to get carried away as well in my own proselytizing of the powers of meditation. But meditation does not need to be built up as anything more than giving your mind a break for 10 minutes a day. That is it.
The practice can grow to be all sorts of personal and beautiful things for you, but that is well beyond the core function and immediate returns that you can begin to benefit from in trying meditation.
I talk about meditation often because of what it has brought into my life. I am nowhere near perfect or a Buddha-like entity, but meditation has brought a level of personal peace and professional success like I have never experienced before.
Meditation allows you to calm your mind so you can more easily observe and let go of thoughts. You can also create space within yourself for more creative and beneficial thoughts to arise. All of my will and desire for self-care and growth in life flows from my meditation practice.
For anyone that may need some help in simply getting started, check out this comprehensive guide or this quick and informative video:
How I Started Meditating
Russell Simmons and his book Success Through Stillness is the direct reason I began a meditation practice. It has been 5 years since picking up this book and my meditation practice is steadier and more consistent than ever.
With Success Through Stillness Simmons relays the concept and power of meditation while also allaying any hesitations or objections that could potentially keep you from undertaking your own practice.
It is a purposely simple read, yet powerful in conveying the message that seeking stillness through meditation can change your life and lead to greater fulfillment in all that you do.

Grateful For My Practice
I do not know where I would be or what I would be doing if it were not for my meditation practice. I am not being dramatic or overstating the importance of my practice. My life has charted an entirely different course because of meditation.
I have a deeper commitment to and appreciation for my marriage because of meditation. I am a more patient parent because of my practice. I have reached higher levels of success in my career because of meditation.
I launched this content platform and have taken a 4-year break from booze all in part because of ideas and subsequent actions that arose through the stillness of meditation.
I want the very best for everyone out there in the world and hope that everyone can begin to experience the things that I have felt from simply calming their minds once a day for as little as 10 minutes.
Check out this compilation of Youtube Meditation Music and enjoy your own peaceful practice. I wish you all the very best.
11 Best Yoga Videos On YouTube For Beginners
If you are just getting started on your yoga journey, being able to practice in the comfort of your home can be helpful in establishing a yoga routine and reaping the many benefits from yoga.
In order to pay homage to one of the most prolific and accomplished YouTube Creators for yoga and to especially help you on your yoga journey, we have compiled a best-of feature focusing specifically on routines for beginners.
These are the 11 Best Yoga Videos On YouTube For Beginners By Yoga With Adriene:
1. Yoga For Complete Beginners – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!
2. Yoga For Beginners – 40 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Check out the video right here.
3. Morning Yoga for Beginners – Gentle Morning Yoga – Yoga With Adriene
Go check out the full listing of the 11 Best Yoga Videos On YouTube for Beginners right here!